13 March 2008

Ready Set Go...

I know I should be posting more often, and I have been trying to think of what I want to say in them. But I'm mainly drawing a blank. I'm confident in the concept for my show, the work is going great, I'm actually ahead which is so weird to me. I'm really interested in talking about what I'm doing, and have had some great conversations. I've always been apprehensive about talking out into this vast space where people can ignore me or read my thoughts without me knowing their reaction. Retardedly insecure I know and I don't think that is stopping me, just lingering there making what I've attempted far more calculated than it needs to be. Maybe I'm just over thinking this whole damn thing, like I do with everything else and I just need to do it.

Next post is coming and will contain a hell of a lot more than inconsequential ramblings.

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